Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I know - the blogosphere is over-saturated with cooking blogs.  If you google "baking blog" you get 24 MILLION results.  Even if you add the qualifier "from scratch" you still get 23.1 Million hits.  "Baking from scratch abroad blog" is only 3 million - so if I tell you about the difficulties of finding the ingredients and adapting recipes while abroad - I am ten times more likely to get you to read my blog...assuming you are looking for just that.  "Homemade baking blog" has 10 million hits, but "Homemade cooking blog" has only 3 million....ahhh..Homemade cooking abroad blog...that is my nitch - only 80,000 hits.

The real reason that I'm starting this blog is not to become the most famous homemade/from scratch baking/cooking blog...but to share my tips and recipes.  Recently I've gotten much better at cooking and baking, and at making my things taste and look better.  This has led to several requests for my recipes...and an increased desire to take pictures of my beautiful creations!

This blog will let me keep track of what I've made, how I made it, etc, thus making it easier for me to find something for dinner or to find a recipe to share with a friend. 

Honestly - the purpose of this blog is for me to write about what I love!  (Insert Catchy closing line a la Bon Appetit!)

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